MichaelWLind.com is online!



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The last time I had a web site, it was way back in the days before Blogger, WordPress and MovableType. It was the days of vanilla HTML files edited with vi and transferred to the web server using a command-line FTP program. I put my first web site up because I wanted to become familiar with the technology. I took it down because I decided I didn’t want to have a cyber-presence. Times have changed! Having a cyber-presence is now essential to your career, according to Penelope Trunk and many other bloggers. I have finally convinced myself to venture back out into cyberspace to reveal my thoughts on things. I’ve decided to take Trunk’s advice and create a blog with my own name. I could have tried to come up with something cutesy like TechBoy76, but I have to say I agree with Trunk that using my real name is the best route in the long run.

After deciding I wanted to create a blog, I had to admit I didn’t know much about it. I decided to follow some advice I recently read about achieving goals on 30sleeps. Brad Bollenbach points out in that article if you have a passion for doing something and commit to working at it, you can achieve what you want to do. I made a commitment to myself to set up a blog and got to work learning all I could about it.

Thanks to the advice of Trunk and Bollenbach, I am here to unveil my new self-titled blog!

What things will I reveal my thoughts on? I’m an information technology guy, so I’ll have plenty to say about new technologies entering the office and home. I’m somewhat of a historian at heart, so expect to hear about my favorite vintage technology. I’m also an arm-chair model railroader. Translation: I have yet to run a single model train over a single scale mile of track. Perhaps after I get this blogging thing off the ground I will do a 30-day challenge on the model railroading topic!

What do you think? Feel free to comment or send me an email!


  1. Hi, Micahel. Congratulations on the new blog! I hope it brings lots of fun and insight into your life. I love blogging so much, and I have found for myself that putting my name to my blog is a way to make it matter more to me. I hope the same will be true for you.


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